America Voter Integrity Initiative

Join us as we strive to restore trust, transparency, accuracy, and accountability to the vote counting process. Recently Avii.org implemented a successful hand counting method in both the Maricopa County and the Arizona GOP Committee Elections where thousands of ballots were counted in a remarkably short time. Watch the video.

Thank you to Mark Cook from Hand Count Road Show, Linda Rantz from Cause of America, Shelby Busch from We the People AZ, and all others who have contributed to the creation of the AVII.org hand-count method and implementing it around the country.

Conrad Reynolds, AVII CEO

About us

Our Mission

The America Voter Integrity Initiative, is a nonpartisan group of U.S. citizen volunteers seeking to fulfill our duty to actively participate in the governing of our country, a government of, by, and for the people by helping to ensure the integrity of that part of our Republic through which citizens exercise our most fundamental right ~ the right to choose our representatives by fair and honest elections.

Our Goal

We want a system that all Americans can trust and have full faith that their vote is counted in compliance with federal, state and local laws, statutes and regulations.

Donations are greatly appreciated.

Contributions cover legal fees, and expenses. Thank you for your support!